Wednesday, March 3, 2010

All gold stars! (20+6)

I had another doctor's appointment today and everything with baby received gold stars:

IPS (checks for chromosomal issues such as monosomies or trisomies and other issues): GOLD STAR! - came back negative!
Morphology (the ultrasound between 18weeks-20weeks, picks up chromosomal issues the IPS may have missed AS WELL as any growth issues baby has): GOLD STAR - baby has a bladder, 2 kidneys, stomach, heart (with everything where it belongs and blood flowing in the right direction!), nasal bone, brain, 5 fingers on each hand, and 5 toes on each foot, oh and femur. And although we didn't find out the gender, the genitals were where they belong as well (aparently!)
Heart Rate: GOLD STAR - 150's!
Growth: GOLD STAR- 69th percentile, as per ultrasound and my fundus is 22cm (I think)
Movement: GOLD STAR- especially between the hours of 10pm-midnight.
Not trying to break it's way out yet (aka, contractions, bleeding, rupturing my membranes/breaking my water): GOLD STAR - although during the ultrasound it seemed like baby was trying to dig it's way through my placenta...

So check, check, check. Everything was clear with baby. And on my end:
Urine dip (for protein, white blood cells etc): GOLD STAR!
Blood Pressure: GOLD STAR! (well for me, it may not be a gold star for everyone though... it is a little low)
Weight Gain: GOLD STAR! - finally gaining some weight!
Baby Bump: GOLD STAR! - It's definitely there now. Much more challenging to hide, still fitting into my jeans.. with the button done up... It wont be much longer.

Sorry if that's too much information (like the urine dip) BUT for those people curious as to what goes on at the prenatal check ups it's definitely nothing to be afraid of! Anyway, I also LOVE my nurse and doctor. Shout out to Franky and Dr. Attie. If you are pregnant and in Ottawa I would highly recommend Dr. Attie's office. The staff there are super super friendly. And Franky is pretty much a rockstar. As for Dr Attie, she has a bright smile, she's full of information and also has a good sense of humour. She's a great obstetrician!

Well that is pretty much a full on baby update. Besides work driving me crazy I don't have much to talk about! Things are good. Oh I bought a baby girl outfit... THIS DOES NOT MEAN I'M HAVING A GIRL. We have NO clue what the sex is. We weren't told and don't plan on finding out. BUT I was in Children's Place trying to get an idea of how to decorate the baby's room - I was really hoping they would have crib bedding sets (which they didn't) Anyway then this dress just spoke to me. So did the cute pink matching shoes... Luckily Eric really liked the outfit too. But, AUGH-I spent another hour trying to choose a boy's outfit so that I wasn't leaving only with a girl's outfit but all of the boy stuff was a bit heavier (more for Spring rather than Summer) So I will return and find a boy outfit when the seasons change and they have their more Summery stuff. I'll also pick up bathing suit stuff at that time. The boardshorts were stinking cute and there were little rash guards too. I told myself I was allowed buying 1 outfit for a girl and 1 outfit for a boy before they were born so that it could be there "going home outfit". Regardless, I need to reign in the shopping a little bit. I keep being told to go out and pick up what I need after the baby shower or after people give their gifts, but if you know me at all you'll know that the nursery will be sitting pretty and ready for a baby in it by the end of May at the latest (and I'm due mid July). And the drawers will be stocked with cloth diapers, and bottles will be cleaned and ready to go. Any baby clothes I have will have been washed, ironed and in their rightful home. I just can't help it. I like having everything ready. There is way too much unexpected out there that the stuff that you can be prepared for, I like to be. AND it will let me just focus on gardening, landscaping. The things I can't do now because it's too cold/early I can do then, because everything for baby will be set up. Maybe next blog post I'll tell you all about the "list".

Anyway, I shared WAY too much of my neurotic side with the internet today. So I'm going to just leave it all at everyone thinking I'm a bit nutty! And hopefully I can redeem myself a little bit in the next post (where I will ACTUALLY include the most recent ultrasound pictures; as well as some baby bump pictures!)

Take care blogging world!
Thanks for reading!

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