So I just wanted to send out a message saying we did end up buying the Weber Genesis BBQ. It was a bit of a splurge, but we decided we could justify it after we saved the money we did on the baby furniture.

First thing in the morning we drove across the border (that would be the french border) and went and picked up a filing cabinet I found on UsedOttawa. I love Kijiji/Used Ottawa. Those sites. It was about 40 minutes away and out in cottage country. It was beautiful. My allergies went crazy. I have to admit that is my biggest complaint about being pregnant is that there is NOTHING I can do about my allergies. Luckily they haven't been TERRIBLE this year. But they do still suck.
Second we came back to the house and moved the heavy filing cabinet into the basement.
Then we called Home Depot to see if they had any of the BBQs we were interested in left... THey had 1 and couldn't hold it for us because they were doing 20% off yesterday. So we booked it down to HD (unfortunately it wasn't the one that is less than 2km away, it was one on the otherside of the city). So as we're walking into HD we see a very happy looking brown man walk out with a Weber Genesis, e-320 BBQ. My heart sank. Eric swears it was natural gas, but I KNOW it was Liquid Propane (which is what we needed) ANYWAY. We checked out their BBQ selection anyway, and lo behold they did still have 1 more left. So I guarded it while Eric went a looked for a sales associate to help get it down for us. While he was gone I stood their rubbing my belly giving people angry-hungry looks as they tried to come down the aisle towards MY (Eric's) BBQ. Anyway, to say the least most didn't come near me. So we got our BBQ brought it home with us. The box was super big and awkward and because I'm useless in the carrying department these days we decided to just put it in the driveway open the box and then move the pieces to the back. It worked out very well and everything was on the deck in no time. So we started away on building it (Eric started away on building it while I entertained the dogs). Anyway, first 4 screws are in and it just starts DOWNPOURING. I was starting to take this as a sign that maybe we shouldn't have bought the BBQ.. but there was the one left for us which then is sort of a sign that it was meant to be. ANyway, we moved everything into the kitchen and built the BBQ in the kitchen. Which is why Eric's BBQ is sitting in my kitchen in the picture. We then had Thai food for dinner. Yes yes, we should have used the BBQ but we will tonight - Salmon Steaks. YUMMY...
Anyway, that is all for now. Baby is still doing really well. I was starting to think he/she was going to be Eric's Father's Day gift because I seemed to have started contracting up a storm. Oh the joys or Braxton Hicks. 3 more days and then I'm term. So anywhere from 3 days to 4 weeks and 3 days... So we'll see. My mom was late with us, so I'm not holding my breath...
Take care blogging world! Hope all is well.

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