So I just wanted to send a little message out there that Eric and I keep discussing doing belly pictures, and then we don't. Then when we're goofing around and do take photos I really don't like them (my hair is messy, I'm in my pjs, etc). This is why the blogosphere hasn't seen any belly pictures since 6months. They exist (sort of..) but not many of them I want to share with the internet. Because it has been sOOOooooOOoo long I will post a couple today... so here you go. I'm getting HUGE!

Eric and I are going to the beach this weekend so maybe (if I still fit into any of my bathing suits) there will be some more photos. Ideally after I have a little bit of sun though, as I could blind someone with this skin.
Anyway as for pregnancy update. Things have been moving along super smoothly. Everything has been AMAZING. (Hopefully it will stay that way right until the end!) I have 11 shifts left at work! YAY! I have a doctor's appointment Wednesday. I was supposed to go last week but I forgot (oops) so I took a quick listen to baby at work and the heart rate was beautiful. Baby is still not giving away his or her sex. The baby's baseline was 140.. and they say if the heart rate is above 140 it's a girl and below it's a boy. Although all joking aside after working Labour and Delivery it really turns out ALL of those little old wives tales are myths. Nothing determines a baby's sex definitely besides an amnio or a cvs because even ultrasounds can be wrong (on that note they are pretty accurate - like 95% accurate).
Anyway I have some cleaning to do before I lay down to sleep before work!
Take care blogging world!
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