I decided because I have all of this adrenaline rushing through my veins I would take this opportunity to recap on my pregnancy:
First Trimester:
Found out I was pregnant: November 12th
First sign of morning sickness: really shortly after November 12th.
Calculated due date as per LMP: July 16th, 2010. As per dating ultrasound: July 17th, 2010.
Cravings: none - however, I could handle soda crackers and ginger ale (but even ginger ale could spark my gag reflex)
Pros: I was pregnant!
Cons: morning sickness (and having a very smelly job some days.. BGS augh); feeling like I couldn't do much - yoga, physical activity; being constantly drained.
Weight gain: none, actually I lost weight...
Second Trimester:
Cravings: just like my husband's cousin POTATOES. Pretty much in every shape and form. I could eat potatoes anytime, anyday, anywhere, any style. RIBS - yes, like the meat kind, like the, I-haven't-eaten-ribs-or-any-pig-or-cow-in-over-8-years-but-please-give-me-some-ribs-asap. I was told to go to Baton Rouge in Ottawa for the best ribs ever - but I never made it down (probably for the best.) Then there was the random cravings: poutine (probably falls under fries), popsicles and freezies, cupcakes, pizza, nothing really all that crazy. It sounds like I ate super unhealthily but really I promise I didn't.
Pros: TONS more energy and thus felt human again and could DO THINGS, everyone knew so I was able to explain my crazy behaviour of my first trimester, no real stressors, felt baby move early - all in all a great trimester.
Cons: I needed to do that STUPID STUPID STUPID GTT testing twice - but it was for a good reason so I should try not to complain. (It came back fine. I didn't have gestational diabetes.)
Weight gain: I was 136lbs by the end of the second trimester.
Third Trimester
Pros: Almost there, getting the nursery set up (saving 600$ on the nursery furniture!), felt lots more movement, a decent amount of energy, TONS of walking, and just overall happy. Also I only started needing to get up in the middle of the night to pee after 34 weeks AND it was only occasional, probably happened 7 times in total.
Third Trimester
Pros: Almost there, getting the nursery set up (saving 600$ on the nursery furniture!), felt lots more movement, a decent amount of energy, TONS of walking, and just overall happy. Also I only started needing to get up in the middle of the night to pee after 34 weeks AND it was only occasional, probably happened 7 times in total.
Cons: Working night shifts from 32weeks - 35weeks. Don't get me wrong I still did my happy dance while there, but the 12 hour shifts and the craziness that became the birthing unit at the end was a little much. It's pretty hard to go from 9pm-530am without eating when you're pregnant and running around like crazy. The elbows or knees (who knows...) that baby would use to push against the bed which made sleeping at the end very difficult.
Overall Pregnancy:
Total number of maternity clothing bought: 10 pieces (not including new panties or bras). 2 pairs of maternity jeans (I was lucky and fit into most of mine up until 26 weeks and than after that had my lululemon pants), 6 maternity tops (again pretty lucky in that my looser fitting tops lasted awhile), 1 sweater, and a bella band. All in all I was pretty lucky.. which brings us to the next point:
Total weight gain: Okay, so this is harder to calculate as if you were to start with my beginning weight I only gained 22lbs; however, I was in the negative during my first trimester which would put me at around 28lbs after gaining back the weight I lost. Either way - not too bad - my doctor was pretty pleased.
Best moments: when baby would dance for Eric - my all time favourite was probably when I laid in bed and we put Eric's iPhone on my belly and played some music and you could see the baby moving the iPhone. I also loved when my linea nigra came in (even though above my belly button it's crooked.)
Worst moments: Please see "cons" of the first trimester.
What I would do differently: I would have started practicing yoga earlier on in the pregnancy (second trimester.) I was missing a decent amount of my balance by the end. Also, I only swam a few times while pregnant and when I did it I LOVED it. I should have done that more. AND I should have taken more pictures. Next time right?
Well that's all I'm going to post on that matter because really I'm finishing off this blog entry 3 and half months into my postpartum period and really want to do a post about the actual labour and delivery next...
Thanks for reading!
Take care,