Hello Blogging world!
I'm finally here! The wonderful, exciting third trimester. I tentatively have 4 more weeks worth of work (unless I decide I want to work longer, or unless the baby decides to misbehave and I am off earlier...) Although I know a lot of people think I'll be bored during the 8 weeks I have between the being off work and the baby being born, I probably wont be. I have TONS of things I would like to get done before Eric and our newest addition. Including sewing baby stuff, cooking and baking in mass (to go in the deep freeze for the weeks following the baby that I just DO NOT want to make anything), cleaning, purging, reorganizing (especially the kitchen), swimming, shopping (for me and baby), reading and last and most importantly: attempting to induce my labour starting at 37 weeks. I either want to somehow have this baby before July 1st (which is fine, babies are term at 37 weeks and my baby would be 37+6 on June 30th, so not considered preterm...) OR I want to have my baby as late into July as possible. And that is because July 1st is "New Resident Day" so I've decided I would like to either have a baby before the old residents leave OR after the new residents have some time practicing on other patients first. My due date is July 16th, so that means the doctors could let me go as late as July 25th without doing anything to start my labour if it hasn't started yet. If come July 26 I'm still NOT in labour my body would be medically induced to believe it's in labour and thus I would have a baby sometime after the 26th, probably the 28th (which is my sister's birthday.) So like I said, I'm going to start at 37 weeks to attempt to put myself into labour and that will probably be quite time consuming.
I've been very lucky in my pregnancy that not much has gone wrong. Really if anything. I was very sick the first trimester. Which I am completely okay with and besides that my pregnancy has been moving a long swimmingly. Baby has been great on all of the ultrasounds. My blood pressure has been staying the same (low) and I haven't been suffering from any of the gross and unflattering aspects of pregnancy (none of which I will list off because I don't feel like that's necessary.) My baby is definitely growing, as I can tell by my growing belly. Even just from 2 weeks ago I am SOOO much bigger. So we'll see what happens in the next 10-12 weeks... I've had a few "tightenings" and a couple contractions even that I needed to stop to breathe through, but nothing was regular or consistent, so I'm not concerned that it's changing my cervix.
Eric and I have been more or less at a stand still with preparing for baby. All of our energy has been moved outside to get the backyard ready for the summer. We figure we'll have a decent number of guests coming and going that it would be great to have the backyard set up for entertaining rather than keeping everyone locked in the house! So Eric built a deck a few weeks ago and it looks AMAZING. This past weekend we worked on actual yard, digging up timbers and patio stones that have been there probably as long as the house has been standing (30-40 years) so we worked on that and I thought we would have everything done in a jiffy.. well there is still definitely work to be done in the backyard 3 days later and today for whatever terrible reason it is snowing! SO baby shopping/sewing/building will resume probably after I go off work.
Last thing: as of late I've had the moving bug again... As in sell my house and move somewhere. It figures this hits when I'm 28 weeks pregnant. But I REALLY REALLY want to. Houses aren't really staying on the market in Ottawa right now and that appeals to me, because I don't want to try to spend weeks and weeks selling my house. A girl who I work with who lives around the corner put her house up for sale last Tuesday (a week ago) and had an open house this past Saturday and already has had offers, one that is several thousand more than she is even asking for the home!! It's just conditional on the home inspection. SOO I want to sell our house now and buy something bigger, with more land and not a duplex. I would even take not bigger in exchange for more land and not a duplex. When I mentioned the idea of selling to Eric he was all for it and ready to move to either BC, Halifax or Hawaii. I suggested Alberta, but he wasn't biting and that's okay. I would rather stay in Ontario (probably Southern Ontario to be closer to my mom and dad) or head out to Halifax. Don't get me wrong Hawaii and BC would probably be my first and second choices, BUT we're going to have a new baby and taking him/her to Hawaii where Eric and I aren't citizens or permanent residences and we don't have much in terms of social security just would be stupid. I don't even know exactly how health care works so making sure my children are taken care of (and we can afford it) would be another headache. And as for BC, unless we were out in the Boonies the only thing we could afford would probably be some row housing where I wont have ANY backyard. Then again if there was work out in the Boonies it could be pretty cool... So that more or less leaves us with Southern Ontario and Halifax. And although we WILL live in Halifax some day I would prefer not to keep moving further from my parents as they start moving closer. Which means if Eric and I are serious about moving, which I haven't completely figured out if we are or aren't or if we're just tossing the idea around. We'd probably move to Southern Ontario. Near London probably on the East side (Toronto side), which would only be an hour and a bit from my parents' place (babysitting! just kidding mom...), as well as near an awesome University for when I decide to go back for grad school. The only thing we really need to look into is work. There is a great huge hospital in London that is a tertiary level of care in obstetrics so if I could get work there that would be amazing, there are also a few community hospitals around which would be just as much fun to work at! I'm not sure what they have in terms of Carpentry work, but it could be a good opportunity for my cute cuddly husband to go back to school because the cost of living is so much less in that area. Regardless there is A LOT to consider.
Well that I believe is everything in a nut shell. Thanks for taking the time to read! Next post (which wont take 2 weeks to do, I promise) will include pictures of our destroyed backyard, the new beautiful deck AND probably/possibly belly pictures as it really is getting HUGE!
Take care all,
Thanks for reading,
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Breech Baby. (26 weeks aka 6 months!)
Well not actually breech. It's more in a transverse lie/breech position. Baby likes moving back and forth between the two positions. So sometimes Eric and I feel baby's kicking on the right side of my stomach and other times more in the pelvis area. It's actually really funny because the only places I haven't felt baby kick is up near my ribs (yet) or on the entire left side of my body (that's because his/her head mostly hangs out there)
If you read my last post, I nearly died working 4 night shifts in a row. Since then things have been lots smoother and I'm very grateful for that. I'm getting lots of sleep and even getting some things accomplished around the house. My goals right now: Sell the dining room set (It's just SO huge for our house); find the perfect fruit bowl; register for some classes (ballet, organic gardening, quilting class...); re-register for flight school (although I may not start that until the fall when we have a routine with baby); scope out which university courses I'm going to take in the fall; start picking up the things I need for baby (there's been a lull); and most importantly make a short list of baby names. The other night Eric and I stayed up late scouring the internet, books and movies for names that we liked and we do have a list now. A very, very, very long list. With names I can't stand, and names Eric can't stand. And a few names we both really LOVE. Last night at work I was leaving work with one of the girls I work with and she had had 2 names when she was pregnant. One for a boy, and one for a girl. And she didn't tell a SOUL. And her reasoning was that she and her husband liked the names and that's what matter, so she didn't want to be influenced by anyone else's opinion of the name so she just decided not to tell anyone. So, although I have let my choice of first choice of a girl's name slip a couple of times (so there are a few of you out there that know what my choice would be) Eric and I are going to keep it to ourselves until the baby is here.
We've also decided that we're not going to actually decorate the nursery until the baby is here (which means it may never get done.. but I'm sure with the help of family after the baby is born it will happen). By waiting we don't need to "settle" on any gender neutral items when we both have preferred either boy or girl specific stuff. We're going to buy / I'm (as in Beth is) going to build the bassinet. So you know, here's hoping that it's sturdy. And we're going to keep the bassinet in our bedroom for the first little while. That way we can continue to use the guest bedroom / soon to be nursery as a guest bedroom for the first few weeks following baby's arrival.
Anyway I think that's pretty much everything. Oh I'm 6 months today (woooooooo hooo) I have 3 months and a week until we'll have a little bundle of joy. Assuming 1) baby isn't early and 2) baby isn't late. If it's anything like it's mother it will be here at 41+3 days (aka induction day) or if it's like it's father, I'm going to assume a good 15 days before the due date (as he's 15 minutes early to EVERYTHING.)
Oh and here are a couple of baby pictures at 6 months. We took them today!

And one of my cute dog who loves to shred kleenex (as you'll see from the picture)

Thanks Everyone for reading!!
Until next time, Take care!
If you read my last post, I nearly died working 4 night shifts in a row. Since then things have been lots smoother and I'm very grateful for that. I'm getting lots of sleep and even getting some things accomplished around the house. My goals right now: Sell the dining room set (It's just SO huge for our house); find the perfect fruit bowl; register for some classes (ballet, organic gardening, quilting class...); re-register for flight school (although I may not start that until the fall when we have a routine with baby); scope out which university courses I'm going to take in the fall; start picking up the things I need for baby (there's been a lull); and most importantly make a short list of baby names. The other night Eric and I stayed up late scouring the internet, books and movies for names that we liked and we do have a list now. A very, very, very long list. With names I can't stand, and names Eric can't stand. And a few names we both really LOVE. Last night at work I was leaving work with one of the girls I work with and she had had 2 names when she was pregnant. One for a boy, and one for a girl. And she didn't tell a SOUL. And her reasoning was that she and her husband liked the names and that's what matter, so she didn't want to be influenced by anyone else's opinion of the name so she just decided not to tell anyone. So, although I have let my choice of first choice of a girl's name slip a couple of times (so there are a few of you out there that know what my choice would be) Eric and I are going to keep it to ourselves until the baby is here.
We've also decided that we're not going to actually decorate the nursery until the baby is here (which means it may never get done.. but I'm sure with the help of family after the baby is born it will happen). By waiting we don't need to "settle" on any gender neutral items when we both have preferred either boy or girl specific stuff. We're going to buy / I'm (as in Beth is) going to build the bassinet. So you know, here's hoping that it's sturdy. And we're going to keep the bassinet in our bedroom for the first little while. That way we can continue to use the guest bedroom / soon to be nursery as a guest bedroom for the first few weeks following baby's arrival.
Anyway I think that's pretty much everything. Oh I'm 6 months today (woooooooo hooo) I have 3 months and a week until we'll have a little bundle of joy. Assuming 1) baby isn't early and 2) baby isn't late. If it's anything like it's mother it will be here at 41+3 days (aka induction day) or if it's like it's father, I'm going to assume a good 15 days before the due date (as he's 15 minutes early to EVERYTHING.)
Oh and here are a couple of baby pictures at 6 months. We took them today!
And one of my cute dog who loves to shred kleenex (as you'll see from the picture)
Thanks Everyone for reading!!
Until next time, Take care!
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